

Details, Details, Details

Payment accepted and preferred through Paypal (you don't need a Paypal membership, just a credit card).

SIZES: Most times we have S, M, L, XL, and a limited amount of xxl and xxxl. Please add the size you are requesting into the Comments section in PayPal.

Free shipping in U.S. Please add $20.00 for shipping if ordering from Europe.

Please allow roughly two weeks for delivery after ordering.

Money orders accepted as a last resort only. If ordering with money order please contact Tony at

Have a nice day!

Cream Limited Run Slobberbone 30 th Anniversary T.

Cream Limited Run Slobberbone 30th Anniversary T.

Daredevil Squatch on Cream.

Comes in S, L, XL, and XXL (sold out of all other sizes).

Slobberbone Hat


Slobberbone. Black. White. Amp. Hat. Done.